The Right Hon. Henry Addington, Speaker of the House of Commons;
The Right Hon. Lord Frederick Campbell;
The Right Hon. Sir William Grant, Master of the Rolls;
Charles Abbot Esquire:
Resolved—That a complete and authentic Collection of The Statutes of the Realm be prepared; including every Law, as well those repealed or expired, as those now in force; with a Chronological List of them, and Tables of their principal Matters: And that Alexander Luders, Thomas Edlyne Tomlins, and John France, Esquires, Barristers at Law, be appointed Three of the Sub-Commissioners for preparing and executing the said Work.
The Right Hon. Charles Abbot, Speaker of the House of Commons;
The Right Hon. Lord Frederick Campbell;
The Right Hon. John Baron Redesdale;
The Right Hon. Sir William Grant, Master of the Rolls;
The Right Hon. Sylvester Baron Glenbervie:
The Sub-Commissioners appointed for preparing a complete and authentic Collection of the Statutes, having laid before the Board their several Plans for carrying the Work into Execution; specifying the Sources from whence the Materials were to be derived; the Selection to be made thereout; and the general Arrangement and Distribution of the Work, under the several Heads of Text, Collation, Translation, Tables, and Indices:—The Board took the same into Consideratio, and having specially directed the Manner of Proceeding thereon;—Ordered, That the said Sub-Commissioners do proceed forthwith to carry the said Work into Execution comformably to such Directions.
The Right Hon. Charles Abbot, Speaker of The House of Commons;
The Right Hon. Lord Frederick Campbell;
The Right Hon. Sylvester Baron Glenbervie:
Ordered—That William Elias Taunton Esquire, Barrister at Law, be appointed a Sub-Commissioner in the Room of Mr. Luders resigned; and that he be employed conjointly with the other Sub-Commissioners heretofore appointed for preparing a complete and authentic Collection of the Statutes of the Realm.