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Page:The Steam Turbine.djvu/50

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!two-thirds of the disc area of the propeller, so as to present a very large bearing surface on the water, and this expedient effectually prevents its giving way under the force necessary to propel the vessel.

In models, and in vessels of moderate speed, the forces are not sufficient to tear

Table I. Performance of Parsons Turbo-Generators at Different Epochs.
Date Power Steam per kw. hour Vacuum (Bar. 30") Superheat Steam pressure per sq. inch
kw. lb. in. Deg. F. lb.
1885 4 200   0* 0*  60
1888 75 55   0* 0* 100
1892 100 27.00 7   50  100
1900 1250 18.22 28.4 125  130
1902 3000 14.74 27   235  138
1907–1910 5000 13.2  28.8 120  200

*a b c d These were non-condensing turbines using saturated steam.

the water asunder, but if the pressure of the atmosphere is removed by an air pump, a model screw will cavitate at a comparatively moderate speed.