Tishomingo County, Mississippi, when the war came on. He was a gallant and brave soldier in the Confederate army. Probably there was no one in that desperate struggle who was in more hard-fought battles, and who was a witness to more death and carnage than Samuel J. Lewis. He lost all he had; his family refugeed from North Mississippi to South Carolina. He is an industrious, economical man. He has now a nice little estate.
Martha Stephenson, daughter of Daniel Green Stephenson and his wife, Esther Gaston, married Mr. Lewis, a nephew of Samuel J. Lewis. She is dead; she has no descendants living.
Daniel Green Stephenson was twice married. His wife, Esther Gaston, died in 1854, after having been married thirty-five years. Her husband made the common mistake of old men. He married a widow who had a family of daughters. 'Squire "Stinson's" family and the newly adopted one were not congenial; they never are. His latter days were not his happiest days.