Hugh Stephenson, oldest son of Capt. James Stephenson, one of the Four, and his wife, Nellie, was born in Antrim County, Ireland, in 1766. He came with his father's family to America, married Miss Margaret Presley in South Carolina, in 1790. He moved to Sumner County, Tennessee, in 1794; thence to Lawrence County, Alabama, in 1820. After three children had been born his wife died in Tennessee. These three children were John, Thomas and Margaret Presley Stephenson. Hugh married Elizabeth Alvis in Tennessee. They reared a large family in Lawrence County, Alabama.
John Stephenson, son of Hugh and Margaret, was born in South Carolina, in 1792. He married Lucinda. Theirlkill, near Mount Hope, Alabama. They reared a family in Mississippi. Thomas, the next son, never married. Margaret Presley married my father after my mother's death. Her children have been noticed under the head of William Watson Stephenson.
Dorothy, daughter of Hugh Stephenson and his wife, Elizabeth Alvis, married Hiram Byler. They reared a family in Mississippi. Mary Ann, commonly called "Polly Ann," daughter of Hugh and Elizabeth, married Alexander Lee. They went to Louisiana. Martha, commonly called "Patsy," married James Lee. Of this union three children were born: Puss, Thomas Benton and William A. Lee. Puss never married. She now lives with her brother, T. B. Lee. T. B. Lee married Steve Johnson's daughter. They reared a family