There were born to Dr. Graves and his wife, Ann, six children, four sons and two daughters. The daughters died young. The sons are,—
W. H. Stephenson, Collinsville, Texas.William Claiborne Graves, born in Lee County, Mississippi, November 24, 1867. He has a wife and children, and is a practicing physician at South McAlester, Indian Territory.
George Walker Graves, second son of Dr and Mrs. Graves, was born March 12, 1870, in Lamar County, Texas. He is not married. He is an official of the railroad at Hillsboro, Texas.
Henry Lee, the third son, born July 23, 1872, married Miss Mamie Nunn. They have one child. Henry is a merchant in Ladonia, Texas.
Robert I. Graves, born June 4, 1881, is married. He is assistant cashier of the First National Bank, Celeste, Texas. These four sons of Dr. W. W. Graves and his wife, Ann Stephenson, are all intelligent, educated, good men. The promise for their progress as valuable citizens and successful men is very flattering.
William Henry Stephenson, a direct lineal descendant of Henry Stephenson, of Scotland, down through Robert Stephenson, a Scotchman, who reared a family in County Antrim, Ireland; William Stephenson,