Mary Ann, called "Polly Ann," the eldest daughter of W. W. Stephenson, married her cousin, Ashley Elliott Stephenson, a grandson of Capt. James Stephenson, one of the Four. They reared a family at La Grange, Alabama. Mary Ann was my only full sister. She was an extraordinary woman, a noble, Christian lady, one of the most provident mothers I ever knew. She was a model as a housekeeper, and had the talent of making a little, either in dry goods or in provisions, go a long way. She kept her children neat and presentable and was quite economical withal. Josephine, their daughter, married Robert D. McGaughey, of Pine Bluff, Arkansas. One daughter, Alma, was born. Josephine died. Her daughter, Alma, married John Hohmann, of Pine Bluff, Arkansas.
Hugh Johnston, son of A. E. Stephenson and his wife, Mary Ann, married Miss Mary Eliza Smith, near Concord, Lawrence County, Alabama. She was a noble, good woman, an industrious, Christian lady. They reared a respectable, nice, intelligent family of girls and boys; eight fine girls and three boys. Margaret May married John Conklin. They live in Louisiana. Eva Josephine married Frank N. Julian, the editor of the North Alabamian, Tuscumbia, Alabama. They have two children. Who would not say they are the nicest, their father being an editor? Ella Thomas