Jourdan has managed the bank at Iuka successfully ever since. Under his management the institution has grown and prospered beyond the most sanguine expectations of its stockholders. During the time he has been conducting the business of the bank, he has traded largely in real estate, both in the country and in Iuka. He has been very successful in accumulating a nice fortune. He is now said to be the largest individual real estate owner, and the largest taxpayer in the county. Some syndicates North, being aware of the ability and judgment of Mr. Jourdan, engaged him as their agent to conduct their business in different parts of the Union. Mr. Jourdan has made considerable money in these agencies. He is an extensive merchant and banker at Iuka, Mississippi. He is a benevolent, useful citizen. There were born unto him and his wife, Anna McCain, four children. Three of them died in infancy. Miss Annie Elma, only daughter of J. W. Jourdan and his wife, Anna McCain, is a beautiful young lady just come to womanhood. Miss Annie has had fine opportunities. She is an intelligent and attractive young lady. She is a recent graduate of Randolph Macon College for Women, of Virginia. She is justly styled the "Belle of Iuka."
Newton McCain, son of John McCain and his wife, Miss Lou Hunter, married Miss Coffee, a daughter of the late John Coffee. Newton is a farmer and lives in Lauderdale County, Alabama. He and his wife have a family of several children. They live near the old Coffee home on Shoal Creek, not far from the canal.
I will return now to my half brothers and sisters. Melinda J., daughter of W. W. and Margaret P. Stephenson, went to Arkansas, married Mr. Morgan and