Hugh S. Stephenson, late of Des Arc, Arkansasan educated man in the strict meaning of the term. But he was a man of fine native ability, and was an indefatigable Bible student. He was five feet and eleven inches high, and weighed 145 pounds, eyes blue, hair light, beard auburn, complexion florid, skin thin and fair; he was slender and rather too weakly to do the arduous labors of the ministry and domestic work. He was ever faithful, and died in the harness. While preaching at a camp meeting, on Sunday at 11 o'clock, at Mars Hill, Marion County, Alabama, in 1840, his lungs gave way, he fell, was carried to the tent, and died within a few hours. His oldest son, James Porter, married Miss Jones, and reared a family in Desha County, Arkansas.
Hugh S. Stephenson, second son of Rev. John Campbell Stephenson and his wife, Agnes Simpson, was born in Maury County, Tennessee, March 24, 1819. His father moved from Tennessee in 1820, to Township Seven, Range Nine, Lawrence County, Alabama. He bought land and opened a farm adjoining the land where the town of Mount Hope was afterwards built. The children of the family were trained up to industrious, moral habits. The family were a Sabbath-observing, church-going people. Hugh and his brothers worked regularly on the farm. When Hugh attained