ties. He is at the present time oculist for the Arkansas State School for the Blind; aurist for the Arkansas Deaf Mute Institute; and visiting oculist and aurist to the Logan H. Root Memorial City Hospital. He is also professor of diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat in the Little Rock Municipal Training School. He was at one time resident surgeon of the New Orleans Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital, but was compelled to resign that position on account of bad health. In 1897, Dr. Stephenson further prepared himself for his chosen specialties by taking a postgraduate course in New Orleans Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital; in 1898, he took a course in the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary. He is a member of the American Medical Association and of the Arkansas Medical Society; he is ex-Secretary of the Pulaski County Medical Society, and at present Secretary for the Arkansas State Medical Society, and editor of the Monthly Bulletin of the Arkansas Medical Society.
For four years, during the administration of Gov. Dan W. Jones, Dr. Stephenson was assistant surgeongeneral for the Arkansas Reserve Militia. He is Medical Director for the Mutual Industrial Indemnity Company (incorporated), Little Rock, and Medical Examiner for the New York Life Insurance Company, of New York, and the Franklin Life Insurance Company, of Springfield, Illinois, and has been examiner for numerous other life insurance companies in his time. He was for ten years surgeon for the St. Louis Southwestern Railroad, at Stuttgart, Arkansas, which position he resigned when he removed to Little Rock.