Page:The Story of Aunt Becky's Army-Life .djvu/15

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so silent and cold, after the bullet had done its fearful work.

Many years will pass away, we trust, before another desolating war shall sweep over our land, but should the cry " To Arms," again resound over our hills and valleys, and our brave ones go to the hot affray, may her example, and the record of what one woman did to mitigate the horrors of the battle serve to endow other souls with equal courage, and when the Reaper sends his unripe harvest in, let there be

"No dearth of woman's nursing
And no dearth of woman's tears."

With these explanatory lines we respectfully submit to a generous public, which will not fail to deal fairly, the pages of this unpretending Story of Aunt Becky's Army Life.


Ithaca, N. Y., May 10, 1867.