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Page:The Story of Mexico.djvu/455

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Spain, 178; death of, 178; F
burial in Mexico, 179
Cortes, Martin, 180 Farias, Valentine Gomez, 279,
Cotton, 92, 406 282, 307, 321, 330
Council of Music, 53 Ferdinand VII., 234, 259
Coxcox, 22 Fischer, Father, 371
Coyoacán, 175 Forey, Marshal, 356
Cozumel, 138 Franciscans, 324
Cuahtemoc, 167, 170, 174, 175, Fremont, Colonel, 316
178 Frijoles, 26
Cuauhnahuac, 92
Cuautla, 252 G
Cuba, 132
Cuepopan, 88 Galves, Viceroy, 226, 228
Cuernavaca, 28, 225 Garces, Fray Julian, 204
Cuextecas, 106 Garibay, Viceroy, 236
Cuicuicatzin, 155 Ghent, Fray Pedro de, 192
Cuitlahuac, 101 Gonsalez, General Manuel, 398
Cuitlahuatzin, 161, 166 Good-Friday in Mexico, 294
Cuitzao, Lake, 62 Gorostiza, 334
Culhuacan, 23 Grant, Ulysses, quoted, 341
Culhuas, 87 Grenaditas, Alhóndiga de, 243,
D Grijalva, Juan de, 132-134
Grito de Dolores, 242
Diaz, Bernal, 137; quoted, 127, Guadalajara, 193, 246
148, 181 Guadalupe-Hidalgo, treaty of,
Diaz, Porfirio, takes Oaxaca, 371; 338
takes Puebla, 376, 384; a can- Guanajuato, 19, 243, 409
didate for the presidency, 390; Guardias Rurales, 298
at the head of the revolution- Guatemala, 71, 265
ists again, 392; his earlier Guerrero, 259; joins Yturbide,
life, 394; in the war of the 261; joins in the Casa-Mata,
reform, 395; campaign against 268; a candidate for the presi-
Oaxaca, 395; an escape from dency, 275; president, 277;
government troops, 396; presi- his government overthrown,
dent, 398; re-elected, 398; 277; captured and shot, 278
his home, 399 Guillermo, 346
Doblado, 346 Guzman, Nuño de, 184, 185-194
Dolores, 240
Dominicans, 324 H
Dominiguez, Doña Josefa, 258 Herrara, General, 262, 307, 342
"Drinking cup of the Eagle," Hicuxaxe, 66
101 Hidalgo, Manuel, birth and edu-
E cation, 238; life at Dolores,
240; declares independence,
Escobedo, General, 374, 375, 241; Grito de Dolores, 242;
378 takes Guanahuato, 243; takes
Estrada, Gutierrez, 299, 349 Valladolid, 245; defeated at