Page:The Story of Prague (1920).djvu/229

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The history of Prague is to so great an extent that of Bohemia, that if I attempted to give a full list of my authorities, I should be obliged to enumerate the works of the principal modern Bohemian historians, as well as those of many older chroniclers and writers of history. In a work where compression has been necessary on every page I could attempt no such bibliographic study. Of historical writings, I mention only Dr. Tomek’s monumental work. I give the names only of a few books that deal with the city of Prague and its architectural monuments. I have left unnoticed the numerous monographs referring to Prague and the publications of the Bohemian Museum, the Bohemian Scientific Society and the Bohemian Academy. It is hardly necessary to state that I have also used my own previous works on Bohemia.


Branis Dejing umeni stredovekcho v Cechách (History of Mediæval Art in Bohemia). 2 vols. 1892–1893.
Dolensky’s Praha. I have only been able to use the first parts of this publication, which has just begun to appear.
Herold and Oliva Malebné cesty po Praze (Picturesque Walks through Prague). 4 vols. 1866–1896.
Lehner, Monsignor. Dejini umeni naroda ceského (History of the Art of the Bohemian Nation); begun 1900, not yet completed.