Page:The Strand Magazine (Volume 5).djvu/157

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Born 1839.

Age 16.
From a Sketch in Crayons by Himself.

Age 26.
From a Photo. by G. W. Wilson, Aberdeen.

Age 40.
From a Photo. by Fradelle & Marshall.

Age 26.
From a Photo. by Raymond Lynde.

M R. JOHN PETTIE was born in Edinburgh, and exhibited his earliest works in the Royal Scottish Academy. He came to London at the age of twenty-three, and at the age of twenty-seven was elected an A.R.A. His election to the distinction of R.A. took place when he was thirty-four, in the place of Sir Edwin Landseer. Mr. Pettie's portraits and historical pictures are within the knowledge of every reader—his armour, carbines, lances, broadswords, and pistols are well-known features in every year's Academy—for his subjects are chiefly scenes of battle and of military life. His first picture hung in the Royal Academy was "The Armourers." He has also painted many subjects from Shakespeare's works; his "Scene in the Temple Gardens" being one of his most popular productions. "The Death Warrant" represents an episode in the career of the consumptive little son of Henry VIII. and Jane Seymour. In "Two Strings to His Bow," Mr. Pettie showed a considerable sense of humour.