Page:The Swedenborg Library Vol 1.djvu/196

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of madness, and all would be chaos like a kingdom on earth where there is no law and no punishment. (H. H. 576-581.)

The punishments in hell are various, more gentle and more severe according to the nature of the evils to be restrained. For the most part the more malignant who excel in cunning and artifice, and are able to keep the rest in a state of submission and slavery by punishments and the terror thereby inspired, are set over the others; but these governors dare not go beyond the limits prescribed to them.


It has hitherto been believed in the world that there is some one devil who presides over the hells, and that he was created an angel of light; but after he became rebellious, was cast down with his crew into hell. This belief has prevailed, because in the Word mention is made of the Devil and Satan, and also of Lucifer, and the Word in those passages has been understood according to the literal sense; when yet by the Devil and Satan is there meant hell,—by the Devil, that hell where dwell the worst called evil genii; and by Satan, that hell whose denizens are not so malignant, and are called evil spirits; and by Lucifer are meant those who belong to Babel or Babylon, being those who claim dominion even over heaven itself.