Page:The Swedenborg Library Vol 1.djvu/96

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they also who have ascribed all things to their own prudence, and who by various artifices have raised themselves to honors, and have acquired wealth, apply themselves in the other life to the study of magical arts, which are abuses of divine order, and find therein the highest delight of their life.

They who have applied divine truths to gratify their own loves, and thus have falsified them, love urinous places and odors, because these correspond to the delights of such love. They who have been sordidly avaricious, dwell in huts, and love swinish filth, and such nidorous exhalations as proceed from indigested substances in the stomach.

They who have passed their life in mere pleasures, have lived delicately, and indulged their appetites, prizing such enjoyments as the highest good of life, love excrementitious things and privies in the other life. These are delightful to them, because such pleasures are spiritual filth. They shun places that are clean and free from filth, because such places are undelightful to them.

They who have taken delight in adulteries, dwell in the other world in brothels where all things are vile and filthy. These places they love, and shun chaste houses; as soon as they come near the latter, they faint away. Nothing is more delightful to them than to break the bonds of marriage. They who have thirsted for revenge, and have thence contracted a savage and cruel nature, love cadaverous