was scarce a spot for leagues round that was not well known to them.
At one time, Fritz had been so long from home that we had a dread lest he should have lost his way, or fell a prey to wild beasts. When he came back he told us a long tale of what he had seen and where he had been, and how he had brought with him birds, beasts, moths, and such strange things as he thought Ernest would like to see. When he had done, he drew me out into our grounds and said he had a strange thing to tell me. It seems that he found a piece of white cloth tied to the foot of a bird which he had struck down with a stick, on which were these words: "Save a poor soul, who is on the rock from which you may see the smoke rise."
He thought that this rock could not be far off, and that he ought to set off at once in search of it.
"I have a thought," said he; "I will tie a piece of cloth, like that I found, to the leg of the bird, and on it I will write, 'Have faith in God: help is near." If the bird goes back to the place from whence it came, our brief note may reach the eye of the lone one on the rock. At any rate, it can do no harm, and may do some good.."
He at once took the bird which was an al-ba-tross, tied the strip of cloth to its foot, and let it go.
"And now," said he, "tell me what you think of