afterwards an excursion to the Calabash Wood, in order to manufacture a large supply of vessels and utensils of all sorts and sizes.
Every one was inclined for this expedition; consequently the planting of the orchard was carried on with surprising vigour, but was not completed until towards evening; and then all sorts of arrangements were made for an early start next day. The mother and Franz were to be of the party, and their equipment took some time, for we meant to make a grand family excursion attended by our domestic pets and servants!
By sunrise we were all astir, and everything quickly made ready for a start.
The sledge loaded with ammunition and baskets of provisions, and drawn by the donkey, was to be used for carrying home our gourd manufactures as well as any other prize we might fall in with.
Turk, as usual, headed the procession, clad in his coat of mail.
Then came the boys with their guns and game-bags. Their mother and I followed, and behind trotted Juno, not in very good spirits, poor dog! because Master Knips, who had no idea of being left alone, must needs ride on her back.
On this occasion I took two guns with me, one loaded with shot for game, another with ball for our defence against beasts of prey.
Flamingo Marsh was quickly crossed, and the magnificent country beyond lay extended in all its beauty and fertility before our eyes. It was new to my wife and two of the boys, and the lovely prospect enchanted them.
Here Fritz and Jack turned aside into the bush, where presently loud barking was followed by the quick report of a gun, and a large bird, which had risen from the thicket, fell heavily to the ground before us. Far from resigning itself, however, to death or captivity, it sprung to its feet, and, unable to fly, rushed away with