He afterwards mounted, and showed off Grumble's somewhat awkward paces.
The sports were concluded by swimming matches, and the competitors found a plunge in salt water very refreshing after their varied exertions.
Fritz showed himself a master in the art. At home in the element, no movement betokened either exertion or weariness.
Ernest exhibited too much anxiety and effort, while Jack was far too violent and hasty, and soon became exhausted.
Franz gave token of future skill.
By this time, as it was getting late, we returned to our dwelling, the mother having preceded us in order to make arrangements for the ceremony of prize-giving.
We found her seated in great state, with the prizes set out by her side.
The boys marched in, pretending to play various instruments in imitation of a band, and then all four, bowing respectfully, stood before her, like the victors in a tournament of old, awaiting the reward of valour from the Queen of Beauty, which she bestowed with a few words of praise and encouragement.
Fritz, to his immense delight, received as the prize for shooting and swimming, a splendid double-barrelled rifle, and a beautiful hunting-knife.
To Ernest, as winner of the running match, was given a handsome gold watch.
For climbing and riding, Jack had a pair of silver-plated spurs, and a riding whip, both of which gave him extraordinary pleasure.
Franz received a pair of stirrups, and a driving whip made of rhinoceros hide, which we thought would be of use to him in the character of bull-trainer.
When the ceremony was supposed to be over, I advanced, and solemnly presented to my wife a lovely work-box, filled with every