Page:The System of Nature.djvu/688

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Page 19, line 30, for "contract" read "contact."—P. 26, 1. 2, dele "off."—The reader is requested to let the following form the commencement of p. 33, as the omission was not discovered till some of the copies were worked off:—"modifications; and if so, they cannot have the same mode of moving and acting. Their activity or motion."—P. 74, 1. 29, dele "it."—P. 83, 1. 14, read "when he has described."—P. 93, 1. 16, dele "what."—P. 95, 1. 3, for "Is is not" read "Is it not."—P. 95, 1. 5, for "that it imposssible" read "that it is impossible."— P. 97, 1. 1, dele "woman."—P. 106, 1. 22, for "now" read "new"—P. 117, 1. 14, dele "it."—P. 142, 1. 27, dele "the."—P. 147, 1. 9, for "as it been" read "as it has been."—P. 152, 1. 12, dele "a."—P. 167, 1.3, dele "of."—P. 291, last line, for "ough" read "ought."—P. 337, 1. 3, for "as" read "was."


Page 16, line 23, for " his enemies" read " its enemies."—P. 52, 1. 20, for " be unhappy" read " be as unhappy."—P. 64, 1. 21, for " viligant" read " vigilant."— P. 66,1. 1 9, /or *' know" lead " known;" and 1. 27, for " rendering" lead " rendered."—P. 123, 1. 2, Jor " is be" read " is to be."— P. 126, 1. 17, for " trates" read " netrates.^'— P. 197, 1. 12, dele " in."— P. 196, 1. 28, dele " by."- P. 207, I. 20, for " has existed" read " which has existed."— P. 218, 1.5, for " knows these" 7ead " knows what these." — P. 220, 1. 10, for " this" read " thus."— P. 223, 1. IS, for " for are" read " for we are."— P. 259, 1. 6, for" flower" read " flour."— P. 263, I. 29, for " pass" read " parts."— P. 269, 1. 20, dele " to."— P. 374, 1, 15, dele " the."—P. 299, 1. 3, read " It is."


Page 27, line 20, for " able compensate" read " able to compensate."—/ P. 59, 1. 23j ybr " wordly" read " worldly." —P. 69, . 4, for "or" read " nor."—By an accident of the Compositor, in some of No. 7, the pages were transposed, but on returning them to the Publisher, correct copies may be had in lieu of them.— P. 110, 1. 2, dele " that."— P. 124, 1. 19, /«r " insenuous" read " ingenious."—P. 140, 1. 6, for " alwsay" read " always.** P. 143, i. J2, a/ter " barbarity" insert a semicolon.— P. 149, 1. 23, for " does display" read " does not display."—P. 159, 1. 12, read " of disinterestedness."—P. 162, 1. 13, for ingeni-" read " ingenu-"—P. 167, I. 12, for " ingenuous" read " ingenious."—P. 169, last line, for " fero-" 7ead " ferocious."— P. 183, 1. 12, /or " know" read " known."— P. 193, 1. 6, for " untelligible" read " unintellible."— P. 253, 1. 24, dele " he is."— P. 235, 1. 26, for " force the matter" read " force of matter."— P. 238, 1. 7, for " thing" read " things."—I*. 343, 1. 16, yor " destroy-" read " destroying," and 1. 20, for " form" read " from."—P. 254, 1. n,for'* it I" read " it is I."