A series of articles on the “Tamils Eighteen Hundred Years Ago” was contributed by me to the Madras Review between the years 1895 and 1901, On the appearance of the very first article, Sir S. SUBRAMANYA IYER wrote to me suggesting that I should bring out all the information available in Tamil literature regarding the ancient civilization of the Tamils. I believe I have carried out the suggestion faithfully, as far as my leisure would permit. Since the completion of the series, many of my friends advised me to collect and publish the whole in the form of a book. I have therefore re-arranged the matter, dividing it into chapters, and added an Index, which I hope will facilitate reference. With a view to confine myself strictly to the subject of the book as shown in the title, I have carefully avoided touching upon the history of the Tamils before A.D. 50 or after A.D. 150.
16th January, 1904. V. KANAKASABHAI.