Page:The Tattooed Countess (1924).pdf/274

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I want you to, was his response.

O, my God! Her arms now thrown about his shoulders, again she pressed her lips against his. Next to her heart she could feel the thumping of his heart.

Mon petit chou! she cried. Ma soisoif! Ma faifaim! Adorable! . . . I will be everything to you: mother, mistress, wife. Tu es mon bébé!

Countess, he began . . .

Call me Ella, call me your fafemme!


She interrupted him with another kiss.

I've loved you since the moment I first set eyes on you, she rapidly confessed. I've wanted you, suffered without you. O, I've seen you every day, but that's not enough! I want you completely!

You are all there is in my life, he replied, truthfully enough. There is no one else. I only want you, too.

Ta bouche, ange adorable!

Grasping his cheeks between her palms, again she guided his lips to hers. How moist and warm his mouth was! Dropping her head to his shoulder, she fell back against him.

After a time she became more calm. Rising from the couch she went to the hall doorway to listen for a moment. Then she returned.

You don't want to stay in this town any longer, do you? she demanded.