Page:The Tattooed Countess (1924).pdf/72

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nothing like the Court of Honour over there, not even the Taj Mahal or the Pyramids. It was beautiful. Do you remember—she turned to Lou, who nodded assent—the Court of Honour when it was illuminated at night, all the fountains running? And now it's gone, destroyed by fire.

I'm so sorry, rejoined the Countess. I might have stopped off in Chicago on the way back.

It's too late, but I hope the new depot will be built before you go. You're going to make us a good, long visit, aren't you, Ella? I want to give a kettle-drum for you.

How do you do, Mrs. Sinclair, Lou was saying. I want you to meet my sister, the Countess Nattatorrini.

I'm delighted to meet you, smiled the Countess.

This is Mrs. Dr. Sinclair, Lou explained.

And I'm pleased to meet you, rejoined the timid, little woman. How do you like Maple Valley?

O, so much!

Hasn't it improved since your day . . . I mean since you were here last? Mrs. Sinclair, flushing, hopelessly hurried on. Have you seen the new water-works?

Not yet, said the Countess. I've only been here since yesterday. I'm planning to see them the first thing tomorrow morning.

Why, Ella, Lou expostulated, we're going out to the old farm tomorrow.

Well, then, the next day. Surely the next day.