The Church.
Inclose me still for fear I start.
Be to me rather sharp and tart,
Then let me want thy hand & art.
Be to me rather sharp and tart,
Then let me want thy hand & art.
When thou dost greater judgments spare,
And with thy knife but prune and pare,
Ev'n fruitfull trees more fruitful are.
And with thy knife but prune and pare,
Ev'n fruitfull trees more fruitful are.
Such sharpnes shows the sweetest frend:
Such cuttings rather heal then rend:
And such beginnings touch their end.
Such cuttings rather heal then rend:
And such beginnings touch their end.
¶ The Method.
POore heart, lament.
For since thy God refuseth still,
There is some rub, some discontent,
Which cools his will.
For since thy God refuseth still,
There is some rub, some discontent,
Which cools his will.
Thy Father could
Quickly effect, what thou dost move;
For he is Power: and sure he would;
For he is Love.
Quickly effect, what thou dost move;
For he is Power: and sure he would;
For he is Love.
Go search this thing,
Tumble thy breast, and turn thy book.
If thou hadst lost a glove or ring,
Wouldst thou not look?
Tumble thy breast, and turn thy book.
If thou hadst lost a glove or ring,
Wouldst thou not look?
What do I see
Written above there? Yesterday
I did behave me carelesly,
When I did pray.
Written above there? Yesterday
I did behave me carelesly,
When I did pray.