Page:The Temple of Fame - Pope (1715).pdf/22

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The Temple of Fame.

There sate Zamolxis with erected Eyes,
And Odin here in mimick Trances dies.
There, on rude Iron Columns smear'd with Blood,
The horrid Forms of Scythian Heroes stood,
Druids and Bards (their once loud Harps unstrung)
And Youths that dy'd to be by Poets sung.
These and a thousand more of doubtful Fame,
To whom old Fables gave a lasting Name,
In Ranks adorn'd the Temple's outward Face;
The Wall in Lustre and Effect like Glass,
Which o'er each Object casting various Dies,
Enlarges some, and others multiplies.
Nor void of Emblem was the mystick Wall,
For thus Romantick Fame increases all.
