The Temple of Fame.
Finish'd the whole, and labour'd ev'ry Part,
With patient Touches of unweary'd Art:
The Mantuan there in sober Triumph sate,
Compos'd his Posture, and his Look sedate;
On Homer still he fix'd a reverend Eye,
Great without Pride, in modest Majesty.
In living Sculpture on the Sides were spread
The Latian Wars, and haughty Turnus dead;
Eliza stretch'd upon the fun'ral Pyre,
Æneas bending with his aged Sire:
Troy flam'd in burnish'd Gold, and o'er the Throne
Arms and the Man in Golden Cyphers shone.
Four Swans sustain a Carr of Silver bright,
With Heads advanc'd, and Pinions stretch'd for Flight: