The Temple of Fame.
Gath'ring his flowing Robe, he seem'd to stand,
In Act to speak, and graceful, stretch'd his Hand:
Behind, Rome's Genius waits with Civick Crowns,
And the Great Father of his Country owns.
These massie Columns in a Circle rise,
O'er which a pompous Dome invades the Skies:
Scarce to the Top I stretch'd my aking Sight,
So large it spread, and swell'd to such a Height.
Full in the midst, proud Fame's Imperial Seat
With Jewels blaz'd, magnificently great;
The vivid Em'ralds there revive the Eye;
The flaming Rubies shew their sanguine Dye;
Bright azure Rays from lively Saphirs stream,
And lucid Amber casts a Golden Gleam.