Page:The Tenant of Wildfell Hall (emended first edition), Volume 2.djvu/192

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"He couldn't help it, Arthur," said I; "the carpet caught his foot—and there's no great harm done. Never mind the pieces now, Benson, you can clear them away afterwards."

Glad to be released, Benson expeditiously set out the dessert and withdrew.

"What could you mean, Helen, by taking the servant's part against me," said Arthur, as soon as the door was closed, "when you knew I was distracted?"

"I did not know you were distracted, Arthur, and the poor man was quite frightened and hurt at your sudden explosion."

"Poor man indeed! and do you think I could stop to consider the feelings of an insensate brute like that, when my own nerves were racked and torn to pieces by his confounded blunders?"

"I never heard you complain of your nerves before."

"And why shouldn't I have nerves as well as you?"