Page:The Tenant of Wildfell Hall (emended first edition), Volume 2.djvu/48

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"'And then,' said Grimsby, who had just come in, 'you can try again, you know. I would have one more chance if I were you. I'd never stop here.'

"'I won't, I tell you!' shouted he. And he started up and left the room—walking rather unsteadily, for the liquor had got into his head. He was not so much used to it then, but after that, he took to it kindly to solace his cares.

"He kept his oath about gambling (not a little to the surprise of us all), though Grimsby did his utmost to tempt him to break it; but now he had got hold of another habit that bothered him nearly as much, for he soon discovered that the demon of drink was as black as the demon of play, and nearly as hard to get rid of—especially as his kind friends did all they could to second the promptings of his own insatiable cravings."

"Then, they were demons themselves," cried I, unable to contain my indignation. "And you,