human labor the element common to all, 67; the peculiar commodity labor-power, 70, 71.
Competition: 154, 179.
Cunow (Heinrich): 203, 222.
Deutsch-Französische Jahrbücher: 50.
Dialectic Materialism: misconception of meaning, 21; what it really means, 22, 23.
"Die Heilige Familie": 31.
Diehl (Karl): 98; supports Marx on the relation between Value and Price, 108.
Distribution: 25.
Economic Materialism: 21; economic condition discovered as prime factor, 24; why economic factor is insisted on as the chief material factor, 25, 38; other factors taken into account, 38, 39.
Engels (Frederick): 20; proof of materialistic conception of history according to, 32, 33; challenge to Marx-critics, 127, 128; 150.
Ethics and the Materialistic Conception of History: 270.
Evolution: Method of Marx in contemplating the world, 21; laws governing particular course of, in present society, 51; favorite theme of Marx-critics, 132; from capitalism to socialism, 180.
Exchange-Value: distinctive property of a commodity, 55; something entirely different from use-value, 55, 56, 57, 58; close connection with use-value, 58; when exchange-value first manifests itself in life-history of the factory product, 65; may be adversely affected by some social change, 75; nature does not participate in the creation of exchange-value, 102.
Feuerbach (Ludwig): 20.
Goldscheid (Rudolph): 216, 225-227; 233.
Gorky (Maxim): 209.
Hegel (G. W. F.): "philosophy" came to a close with, 20; his pure idealism, 31; 182; 273; 275.