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Page:The Tourist's California by Wood, Ruth Kedzie.djvu/173

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BAY AND UPPER COAST COUNTIES 141 Petrified Forest 1 of oaks and cone-bearing trees which is a short drive to the west, and for the Gey- sers of Sonoma County (stage 26 m.). There are more than a hundred of these spouting springs, and in the canyon the earth about the in- fernal hissing rifts is hot to the feet. Many pleasant roads lead from Calistoga to re- sorts whose life centres about the healing waters which flow so abundantly in this volcanic soil. To the north is the lake country, where San Fran- ciscans camp and hunt, fish and climb in the sum- mer. Clear Lake is the Lake Tahoe of the north- western counties. From the town of St. Helena a road reaches the lower projection of this body of water, which lies like a floor of glass between the Blue Lakes and Mount Hannah. On its east shore is the landing for Bartlett Springs, whose carbonated alkaline waters are sold throughout the State. From Napa Junction there is connection via Schellville for Sonoma, Agua Caliente (Hot Spring), and Santa Rosa, the latter being at the junction of this branch and the main Northwestern Pacific road, Tiburon San Rafael - Ukiah. From San Francisco, Sonoma is more conveniently reached by going by the main line as far as Ignacia and there turning off to Schellville. The last of the twenty-one Missions was estab- lished at Sonoma about the time Mexico was freed 1 Automobile meets morning train on its arrival at Calistoga.