Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/116

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that weigheda at leaſt, fifteen pounds each, of which they were deprived, were borne in triumph as trophies of the little victory. Two of our hotteewallies, ſuppoſed to be maſſacred by them before this expedition, were found in a miſerable ſtate from their unmerciful treatment: they were endeavouring to crawl to the camp; diſabled, and almoſt bleeding afreſh from their recent wounds The elephants, camels, &c. which thoſe uſeful people took with them, for the purpoſe of bringing certain ſupplies to the army; were left behind in the hurry of the ſanguinary and rapacious enemy's flight, cruelly mangled and: weltering in their blood: our very horſes and bullocks had iron ſpikes driven up in
