Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/217

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the roofs, floors, and pillars of the . palace, were formed of it; and even the very ſquares and paſſages were paved with it. Neither glaſs, iron, brick, or other materials for building, were introduced here, until the fort came into the poſſeſſion, of the Engliſh The ſlighteſt walls of this great pile are, at leaſt, five feet thick. There are, ſome good houſes about it, built in the Indian ſtyle, that make a handſome appearance. Nothing can be more ſtriking, nothing can diſplay a more ſublime air of grandeur, the lofty gateways here, which reſemble in ſome manner, the old triumphal arches of the Romans.

The country and climate of Ala-
