Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/259

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The firſt town of Delhi, is ſuppoſed to have contained nine caſtles and fifty-two gates; and at ſome diſtance from it, is a handſome ſtone bridge. The ſecond town, which had been taken from the Indians, along time ſince, by one of the former Mogul's, has a very fine appearance, and fills the mind with ideas of the true ſublime, from the ruins of the many grand monuments of their ancient heroes who fell in war, and other magnificent buildings, nearly demoliſhed by Shah Johan, the father of Aurengzebe. The third town, which lies cloſe to the ſecond and almoſt built on its ruins, was called Johan Abad, but the Moguls have given it the name of Delhi. It is imagined, from the frequent wars
