Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/305

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ance; and moſt people here are confirmed in the opinion that it alſo ſtrengthens the ſtomach, and preſerves the teeth and gums. It is only uſed in ſmoking, with a mixture of tobacco and refined ſugar, by the Nabobs and other great men, to whom this ſpecies of luxury confined.

In ſeveral parts of the country, the ſoil and climate are very favourable to theſe latter productions. Tobacco of the fineſt quality, grows in rich moiſt grounds, in. which it is generally planted, and brought by cultivation to great perfection. The ſugar plantations employ thouſands of the natives, who alone, inured to the exceſſive heat
