Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/307

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this proceſs, a liquor iſſues from them, which is conveyed through a pipe in the veſſel above deſcribed, him another in the ſugar-houſe, and thence paſſes into a copper, that is heated by a flow fire, ſo as to make it ſimmer; it is then mixed with aſhes and quick lime, in order to ſeparate the unctuous parts, which float upon the ſurface in a thick ſcum, that is conſtantly taken off with the ſkimmer. After this, it paſſes through a ſecond; third, fourth, and fifth boiler, which laſt brings it to the conſiſtence of a thick ſyrup. In the ſixth boiler, it is, mixed with a certain quantity of milk lime water and allum and receives it's full action, which re-
