Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/329

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a flight of ſteps, defended by the rock on one ſide, and a large ſtone wall on the other, flanked with baſtions; and on the ſummit, is a paſſage through ſeven gateways. The craggy rock frightfully: lofty, into which are hewn many. caves, at whoſe entrances are gigantic figures of men and animals the rampart ſeeming almoſt a continuation of this awful precipice; and the riſing edifices, whoſe ſolemn: domes, battlernents, and balconies, are ſuſpended, as it were, over the dreadful ſteep, forming all together, the moſt ſublime view I ever beheld, ſtrike the imagination with a kind of horrible aſtoniſhment far beyond ſimple admiration. A tribe of Morattoes, who lived by robbery,
