Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/340

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was diſpatched, with an eſcort of two Seapoys to Gooldgngunge, which was conſidered the cheapeſt market, to purchaſe corn for the army, and had in my poſſeſſion for that purpoſe, four hundred goolmores, with bills on the Commiſſary there, amounting in all to fifteen hundred pounds ſterl. As we journeyed onwards, one of the Seapoys happened to trample ſome melons in paſ ſing through a plantation near the river ſide, and on being obſerved by the proprietor, who deſired him to be more cautious in his career, he returned him ſome impertinent anſwer, which rouſed the peſaant's reſentment, and diſcord expanding her gloomy wings; a battle enſued; the neighbouring cottagers thus
