Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/370

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After withſtanding the fire of our muſquetry with a degree of Courage not to be expected in an undiſciplined rabble, on the approach of our cannon, ſome fled, were purſued and taken; and the reſt, who were ſtill very numerous, ſent Deputies to the Captain, requeſting a ceſſatian of hoſtilities, which be granted on receiving the moſt ſolemn aſſurances, that they would peaceably return to their reſpective employments, and diſturb, no more, the public tranquillity.

One of the captives, before he obtained his liberty, having informed us that there were ſome cattle belonging to Ramjaumr in a neigbouring plain, to which he offered
