Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/408

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erected a little ſhed ſupported by pillars, where they ſit croſs-legged morning and evening, to receive their friends or tranſact their buſineſs. The great steets and the bazar or market place, are thronged with people, for notwithſtanding the houſes are low and ſmall, they are well filled; the people from the higheſt to the loweſt are exceeding cleanly, waſhing themſelves, ſeveral times a day. In this black town, there is an Amemenian church and ſeveral little pagodas or Indian temples; to which belong great numbers of female choriſters, who ſpend half the time in ſinging to the idols and, the reſt in intriguing, or chanting in companies before the reat men as they paſs along the
