Page:The Trial, at Large, of William Booth and his Associates.pdf/17

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into the parlour, and gave him a small trunk [witness was shewn a trunk on the table in the court, which he believed to be the same]; he told witness the things in it were done, and he must take it and plant it on the far side the ground, he did not direct precisely where, but only said on the far side the farm; the officers and soldiers were not then come; the trunk was not then locked, the witness took it and planted it in the field adjoining the wood, he dug a hole with a spade, put in the trunk, and covered it with earth and muck, and buried it, they were emptying the fold yard of the muck at that time, and he put a cart load of it upon the place where he buried the trunk; when he came back to the house the officers were there; he had before been directed by Booth to hide two copper-plates, they were large ones, and he had done so on the Tuesday morning before the Monday, on which Booth was apprehended; prisoner had told witness to plant them at some distance from the house, witness planted them in a wheat field adjoining the rick yard, in the ditch, he put both into one hole, made the hole with a spade, they were wrapped up in cloth, he covered them with soil; on the same day (Tuesday) he was directed by prisoner to plant a single plate, that too was wrapped up in cloth, he told witness to plant it at a distance from the house, witness made a hole in the same field put that plate in and covered it with soil: a quantity of narrow plates were given to witness by prisoner's wife, prisoner was not present, he was to plant them, which he did, by putting them under the thatch of a wheat rick, in the rick yard, he received these from Mrs. Booth, in the parlour. Booth was then in bed in the room over the parlour; on that morning Booth had fell through the trap door, and had hurt himself. Witness was taken up on the Friday after Booth's apprehension, he had not then given any information of what he had done with the things he had planted, but he did give information on the same day where he had planted them, he went with Chirm and some other of the gentlemen, and shewed them the places, first he took them to the wheat field adjoining the rick yard, and then to the other places, and shewed them all the things he had planted, they were all found in the same places he had planted them in

Cross-examined by Mr. Alley.—Witness gave the information the same day he was taken prisoner, he had not