Page:The Trial, at Large, of William Booth and his Associates.pdf/40

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and the dollars coined at the Soho—all coined there are struck from Spanish dollars.

Cross examined.—The Spanish dollars re-stamped by them are sent to them from the Bank of England—he cannot say what quantity of silver is in each Spanish dollar—he is not an assay master, nor ever assay'd them'; they have once or twice found a counterfeit Spanish dollar among those sent from the Bank.

Re-examined.—The dollars struck at the Soho are silver; those produced here are copper plated.

Mr. Glover produced a genuine dollar, which he brought from the Bank of England, for the purpose of comparing it with the others—[It was handed to the Court and Jury, with one of Booth's, for inspection.]

No witnesses were called by the prisoners, nor did they make any defence.

His Lorship observed, that the account of the Ingeleys strongly corroborated—and if their account was true, there could be no doubt but that both the prisoners were guilty.

Verdict—both Guilty.

On the same morning, William Booth, John Yates the elder, John Yates the younger, James Yates, John Barrows, and George Scot, were tried for coining 3s. Bank Tokens, against the Statute of 51st of his present Majesty.

Mr. Puller said, this was a felony, which the Statute had made punishable by transportation for seven years. The witnesses would prove that all the implements necessary for the manufacturing of 3s. tokens were in Booth's house, and that they were in use at different times from the Tuesday preceding Booth's apprehension until the Sunday, in which using all the prisoners were in turns engaged; there would be also the facts of the dies and some tokens being hid; and the learned Gentleman observed, that no person could be employed in manufacturing those articles without knowing what he was doing.

Mr. Linwood again proved being at Booth's house, and again enumerated the several articles found in the garret, as he had done in the last trial.