Page:The Trial of William Booth, of Perry Barr.pdf/10

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The Learned Judge, after having passed sentence of Transportation upon Elizabeth Chidlow, George Scott, and James Yates the Elder, the former for 14, and the two latter for 7 years each, addressed the Prisoner, Booth, to the following effect:


You stand to receive the Judgement of the Court, convicted upon two several indictments of a capital offence. It is not necessary to observe upon the other indictments. The circumstances which have been proved against you are fresh in the recollection of the Court, and are such as cannot leave the least doubt in the mind of any person who has beard your trial, of the guilt in which you have been involved, and of the magnitude of that guilt. It is much to be feared that others have been drawn into some of the offences they have committed by your solicitations—You were the Master and Superintendent of all the wicked machinations which have been going on in your house, which you thought you had rendered
