Page:The Triumphs of Temper.djvu/52

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Who fondly saw, and at the prospect smil'd,
A future countess in his favourite child.
But what new flutterings shook Serena's breast,
What hopes and fears the modest nymph opprest,
When with a simpering smile, and soft regard,
The peer display'd a mirth-expressive card,
Where the gay Graces, in a sportive band,
Shew the sweet art of Cipriani's hand;
Where, in their train, his airy Cupids throng,
And laughing drag a comic mask along!
"We," cries my lord, with self-sufficient joy,
Twirling, with lordly airs, the graceful toy,
"We, who possess true science, we, who give
The world a lesson in the art to live,
We for the fair a splendid fête design,
And pay our homage thus at Beauty's shrine."
He spoke! and speaking, to the blushing maid,
With modish ease, th' inviting card convey'd,
Where Mirth announc'd her masque-devoted hour
In characters intwin'd with many a flower: