Page:The True History and Adventures of Catharine Vizzani - Bianchi (1755).pdf/13

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Time, of a most firm Constancy and Daringness in a young Creature, tho' with a sad Alloy of Guilt and Precipitancy.

Our unfortunate Adventurer's Name was Catherine Vizzani; she was born at Rome, and of ordinary Parentage, her Father being a Carpenter. When she came to her fourteenth Year, the Age of Love in our forward Climate, she was reserved and shy towards young Men, but would be continually romping with her own Sex, and some she caressed with all the Eagerness and Transport of a Male Lover; but, above all, she was passionately enamoured with one Margaret, whose Company she used to court, under Pretence of learning Embroidery; and, not satisfied with these Interviews by

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