Page:The True History and Adventures of Catharine Vizzani - Bianchi (1755).pdf/15

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her Gallantry was blown over, and she was at the Bottom of her Purse, which at first had not been too full to tie; she ventured to return to Rome, not to her Father's House, but taking Sanctuary, as an unfortunate young Man, in the Church of Santa Maria, in Transtevero. Being perceived in the Evening, by a Canon of that Church, whose Name was Guiseppe Lancisi, and his Curiosity being whetted by this sham Youth's endeavouring to sculk, he made up to her, and asked her what she meant by such a suspicious Behaviour? To whom our Adventurer timorously answered, that she was far from any bad Design; it was only to avoid the Revenge which had been vowed against her for a little Fault on account of a Sweetheart. The Canon, taken with Gio-
