Page:The True History and Adventures of Catharine Vizzani - Bianchi (1755).pdf/20

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a Surgeon in that District, to buy Medicaments for the Removal of Disorders, which she pretended to have contracted from infectious Women, being but a raw Soldier in the Wars of Venus; to obviate any Suspicions which her Laundress might at certain Times harbour, she told her, that it some Way or other, having taken Air, that Nature had been very liberal to him, the Girls teazed him out of his very Life, but that some of them had very ill rewarded his Compliance; that, however, he hoped, by the Care of the good Doctor, and his own Discretion, quickly to get clear of their Present, and that he would be more upon his Guard for the future; adding (as she knew that a Prohibition is with most People an Incentive) a strict Charge to the Laundress, that she
