Page:The True History and Adventures of Catharine Vizzani - Bianchi (1755).pdf/40

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he delayed a Moment; whereupon he let fly, aiming at Giovanni's Thighs, upon a Supposition that a Wound in those Parts would be the least hurtful, and hit the poor Creature in the left Thigh, four Inches above the Knee; the same Shot killing a fine Pointer of the Podesta's, and fracturing a Leg of a Boy of about twelve Years of Age, who happening to come by, had stopt, as it was very natural, to see what was the Matter. The Chaplain, as Chief of the Expedition, was not wanting to spread his Success in every Place through which he conducted his fair Captives, on their Return to their Uncle, who, to prevent another Elopment, went to Lucca, and initiated them into a Conservatory of recluse Ladies. As for Giovanni, who had fallen to the Ground with Pain and
