Page:The True History and Adventures of Catharine Vizzani - Bianchi (1755).pdf/46

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above eight Years, during which she lived, undiscovered, as a Man Servant, in different Families; it is, indeed, a Proof of singular Address and Self-Government, that in such a length of Time, she should preserve her Secret from Detection, and be Proof against any Inclination or Love for a Man, though living continually in the utmost Freedom with them, and often lying in the same Bed; a Passion universally natural to young Women, and so vehement in it's Actings, as to violate the Institutes of a Cloister, or elope from the Coercion of Parents; but, on the other Hand, here was Effrontery and Folly in the Abstract, to fall in Love with those of her own Sex; to amuse them with passionate Addresses; to kindle in them Desire, without the Power of Gratification;
