Page:The True History and Adventures of Catharine Vizzani - Bianchi (1755).pdf/62

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( 52 )

Impurities of all Sorts are but too frequent, it may very well happen that such strange Accidents may, from Time to Time, arise as highly to excite both their Wonder and their Attention, rather from their Skill in Anatomy, and their Acquaintance with human Nature, than from any bad Habits or vitiated Inclinations in themselves.

As for the Case of this young Woman, it is certainly very extraordinary, and may therefore justify, at least in some Measure, the Pains which this learned and industrious Man has taken about her. But it does not appear that he has assigned any Cause whatever, or so much as advanced any probable Conjecture on this extravagant Turn of her Lewdness, notwithstanding it
