Page:The True History and Adventures of Catharine Vizzani - Bianchi (1755).pdf/65

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try. Her Head being thus filled with vicious Inclinations, perhaps before she received any Incitements from her Constitution, might prompt her to those vile Practices, which being begun in Folly, were continued through Wickedness; nor is it at all unreasonable to believe, that, by Degrees, this might occasion a preternatural Change in the animal Spirits, and a Kind of venereal Fury, very remote, and even repugnant to that of her Sex.

Something of the like Kind is reported to have happened many Years ago to a very vicious Woman, in a Country that it is not necessary to name. This Woman was the Wife of an Apothecary, very dissolute in her Manners, and, as some thought, a little distracted in her Head. Her
